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Reinvigorated as a manager

What did I get from being coached by Saul?

I personally got reinvigorated as a manager by my involvement with Saul.  It took a while for me to drop my ego and pride and the attitude of “I have been through these leadership training courses before” but he has a way of building trust, once I lowered my guard and allowed him to coach me he transformed my way of seeing not only my peers but myself in a fundamentally different way. I am 35 years as a manager and crusty old dogs can learn new tricks.

Why should someone else engage Saul?

Our team was a team of high performers but we lacked the cohesion that a real high performing team requires to be truly great. We had our own vested interests and only interacted with each other’s interests when it suited ourselves. Saul cut through this nonsense. We are a much better team of leaders than what would have been possible without Saul, our manager has changed in a significant and quite profound way, someone returning from 12 months away from work has been left dumbstruck at the change in him.  Each of our team members that went through the structured coaching took different things out of it which shows that there really is something for everyone, it is only about willingness.

What's unique about Saul?

Saul is unique in L&D; most people try to teach or try to motivate and empower you but it’s all done from the front of the room. Saul immerses himself into the work place and builds trust not just with you but with your staff. The sitting in your team meetings and giving direct feedback on your performance as a manager would normally be quite confronting but he builds trust and rapport and if you just allow yourself to be in the process then you will get an enormous amount out of his coaching.

My only regret is that I did not lose my resistance attitude earlier and that it had to come to an end, it was just that good but to be honest it was only that good because of Saul.

Steve R.

Commercial and Operations Manager